Uganda: Fire Destroys Keshwala Group Factory in Jinja

Property worth millions of money have been destroyed in the night fire that gutted a factory attached to Keshwala Group.

According to Police the early morning fire started at 4:30am from the candle store.

Police and private fire fighters in Jinja spent the greatest part of the morning battling with fire that gutted a factory attached to Keshwala Group of Companies.

According to eyewitnesses, the early morning inferno started between 3:00 and 4:00am

Due to the highly flammable nature of the material used in the manufacture of candles, kaveera and car tyres Police used gas to contain the fire from escalating to other units within this factory.

The store and a ware house within this factory were the most affected.

The workers who were on night shift accuse Police of taking their time to arrive at the scene, a claim that has been disputed by Police.

Police has encouraged proprietors of factories to always have water hydrants for easy access to water since it becomes challenging for firefighters to collect water from Central Police Station.

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