Zimbabwe: Trio Jailed 10 Years for Stealing U.S.$3 000 Copper Cables At Chinhoyi Farm

Three Chinhoyi thieves have been jailed 10 years each for stealing electricity transmission copper cables valued at US$3 000.

Edson Mbewe (22) and two brothers William Mapuranga (22) and Ronald Mapuranga (20) were charged for breaching section 60 of the Electricity Act chapter 13:19.

The law pertains to "cuts, damages, destroys, interferes with any apparatus used for generating, transmitting, distributing or supplying electricity."

Regional Magistrate Ignatius Mugova convicted the trio after full trial and sentenced them to 10 years imprisonment each.

Another suspect Dennis Sinoti (22) pleaded not guilty and is now awaiting trial.

Complainant in the matter is Wanjin Company represented by security officer, Tichaona Jenhu.

State case, led by prosecutor Nyasha Sibesha, was that on November 12, 2022 around 11pm, four accused persons connived to steal copper cables and proceeded to Hunyani Farm.

Whilst at the farm the gang stripped 250 metres armoured copper cables connected to a 11KVA power line, which supplies electricity to an irrigation centre pivot belonging to Wanjin Company.

They loaded the contraband into a getaway car driven by Musa Manyatera and went to Banket where they sold the stolen property to one Magirazi and shared the money.

On December 12 last year, Mbewe was arrested by farm security personnel following a tip off and he then implicated his co-accused persons.

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