Zimbabwe: Parly - MP Slams Teachers4ed Outfit - Demands Explanation From Education Ministry

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislator, Willias Madzimure has demanded a ministerial statement explaining operations of the Teachers4ED outfit affiliated to the ruling Zanu Pf.

Madzimure added that teachers are supposed to be non-partisan as they serve students from different political backgrounds.

On a point of national interest, the Kambuzuma MP told deputy speaker Tsitsi Gezi that Education ministers should bring ministerial statements to Parliament and probe why teachers are now affiliated to political associations.

Zimbabwe has seen a sprout of various 4ED outfits campaigning for President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Some of the 'For ED' outfits include Journalists4ED, Artists4ED, Mahwindi4ED, Pastors4ED, VaPostori4ED, ArtisanalMiners4ED among others.

Government critics have condemned the teachers organisation saying it is not government policy or an Act of Education.

Madzimure asked: "How are teachers going to treat children of people from different political parties?

"It is not clear whether it's a government policy or if it is under an Act of Education".

"A teacher can only belong to a teachers' association and not a political party association. We want a ministerial statement from the responsible Education ministers on why they are allowing this to happen."

However, Gezi dismissed the call for the ministerial statement arguing 'Teachers4ED' meant Teachers' for Economic Development and not a political association.

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