Kenya: City Hall Posts Sh673 Million Increase in Revenue Growth Between Jan - March

Nairobi — The Nairobi County Government has recorded an increase in revenue between January and March this year as compared to last year.

Data released by Governor Johnson Sakaja shows that revenue this year was Sh4.5 billion compared to Sh3.8 billion in 2022.

"Nairobi City County's own source revenue has been erratic and unpredictable for the

past years, with a low of Sh8.97billion collected in the Financial Year (FY) 2021/22," he stated.

"This negative trend seems to have been tamed with a monthly comparison portraying a resilient increase in the months of January to March 2023, compared to the same period in 2022."

The governor further observed that "in the said period, monthly own source revenue collection wasSh1.42billion, Sh1.3billion and Sh1.78billion for the periods; January, February and March (2023) respectively, a sustained increase compared to the year 2022 where Sh1.39billion for January, Sh0.99 billion for February and Sh1.45billion in March."

He stated that City Hall expects aa sustained growth going forward and in the coming months.

"Collections from January to March 2023 is higher compared to the same period in

January to March 2022. There is a 2.2 percent, 31.3 percent and 22.8 percent growth in revenue for January, February and March 2023 respectively. Cumulatively the County collected Sh673, 984,028 million more in those three months compared to the same period in 2022," he said.

He further stated that there has been remarkable improvements collection wise in Land rates, single business permits and Fire inspection.

He expressed optimism that City Hall will ahieve double-digit growth in Parking

fees, Billboards, House and stall rent, Food handlers and Markets in the coming months.

The County Government recently undertook the validation of the Finance Bill 2023.

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