South Africa: Inquest into Chris Hani's Death Petitioned on 30-Year Anniversary of Struggle Icon's Death

4 April 2023

Cape Town — The South African Communist Party (SACP) has called for an inquest into the death Chris Hani on the 30th anniversary of the struggle icon's death, IOL reports. A petition posted to calling for the action has received 971 signatures as of 11:38 on April 5, 2023.

According to, Chris Hani's nephew, Mphatheli Hani, offered his support of the petition after becoming aware of it, saying: "The family appreciates any effort to bring more information to light regarding the assassination. We have said on record that we have questions, and that we believe there is information about the assassination that has not been shared."

The SACP has made multiple requests for an inquest into Hani's death but renewed efforts following the release for prison of Janusz Walus, the convicted killer ordered to serve a two-year parole period. Speaking on the release of Walus, SACP Central Committee Member responsible for Campaigns Tinyiko Ntini said in a statement: "Following the Constitutional Court judgment handed down on November 21, 2022, the SACP launched 135 days programme of activism towards the 30th anniversary of his assassination. The main demand is for the State to establish an inquest into his death."

Ntini added: "The Constitutional Court has failed to protect communists by releasing an ideologically-driven assassin, who remains resolutely anti-communist and not ready to speak the absolute truth." Walus was originally sentenced to life imprisonment and had previously been denied bail four times by the Constitutional Court.

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