Kenya: Let Bipartisan Talks Not Be Cosmetic, Siaya Leaders Say

Siaya — Kenyans urged to give the team to spearhead the government opposition talks time to prove itself.

Siaya leaders are calling on Kenyans to give the proposed bipartisan approach to address national issues raised by the opposition chance, saying that the country needs peace if it was to make development strides.

Led by Siaya county woman member of the national assembly Dr. Christine Ombaka, the leaders said they were looking forward to the success of the approach and will support it if it comes up with the agenda that will be beneficial to the nation.

Speaking at Nyawara community hall in central Gem location after presiding over the disbursement of bursary from the national government affirmative action fund (NGAAF), Dr. Ombaka called on those who will be tasked with the responsibility of spearheading the process to be patriotic.

Dr. Ombaka at the same time called on politicians to tame their tongues while addressing the public.

She lamented that some of the leaders have been spewing hateful statements while speaking rudely, sarcastically and threateningly against their opponents and some communities.

"If you are responsible, please mind your language. Let us use polite language. Let us look like leaders, not thugs" she said.

The chairman of the Siaya county national affirmative action fund committee, bishop Martin Arara said the area residents were happy with the ceasefire that saw a temporary halt to the bi-weekly demonstrations.

Bishop Arara however said that Kenyans were praying that the ceasefire will not be cosmetic and called on politicians to ensure that the country does not go back to the demonstrations that have costed it a lot in terms of loss of lives and destruction of property.

"We are praying that president William Ruto and Raila Odinga will take the country at heart and have meaningful talk that will ensure peace prevails," he said.

During the occasion, more than 380 students benefitted from a sh. 3.8 million bursary. - Kna

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