South Africa: Government to Launch 29th Anniversary of Freedom Day

Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa will set the tone for Freedom Month when he outlines government's programme to celebrate the 29th anniversary of the nation's constitutional democratic dispensation.

On Thursday, the Minister will launch the commemorations of Freedom Month under the theme: "Consolidating and Safeguarding Our Democratic Gains."

Freedom Day is the commemoration of the first democratic elections held in South Africa on 27 April 1994. This was the first post-apartheid national elections to be held in South African where anyone could vote regardless of race.

"For this year's Freedom Month, it must be noted that this is the 29th anniversary of the nation's constitutional democratic dispensation aimed at deepening the understanding of where we come from as a nation and how our democracy was achieved by identifying and celebrating untold stories and unsung heroes and heroines in every community," said the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.

Freedom Month will be launched at Freedom Park in Pretoria.

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