Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Stops Ccc Candidate Selection Process in Goromonzi - Declares It a No-Go Area

ZANU PF's Mashonaland West Province Secretary for Education has declared no opposition party will conduct business in the area, days after stopping Citizens Coalition for Change's (CCC) consensus candidate selection process in Goromonzi North's Ward 16.

NewZimbabwe.com has it on good authority Pardon Chibamu called a CCC member only identified as Makwarimba and ordered him to disperse the crowd which had gathered at his homestead for the process.

Chibamu, described as a 'bulldozer' by a close source, went as far as threatening to kill anyone who would go against his directive.

His phone was not going through for comment.

CCC Wednesday began its candidate selection process, a new initiative that saw communities choosing their representatives instead of traditional primary elections.

Although hiccups were recorded in areas such as Glen Norah, Warren Park and Mufakose some concluded the process with no issues.

"Chibamu threatened to unleash terror on CCC members in Ward 16, he said that CCC can never gather in Ward 16 if the nomination is to be conducted," said the source who preferred anonymity for fear of victimisation.

"He called Makwarimba and threatened to kill and beat people up if the process was to continue at Makwarimba's homestead."

CCC's process had been given a green light by the police.

Zimbabwe heads for general elections between July 26 and August 26 this year.

Fears of politically motivated violence abound, especially in provinces such as Mashonaland West and Central where it has been recorded in past elections.

Added the source: "Makwarimba is now living in fear. We are seriously worried about his safety. Chibamu is a serious thug known for bulldozing his way everywhere he goes. What deeply worries us is whether he was sent by Zanu PF or he did this in his personal capacity."

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