Kenya: Nairobi Governor's Football Tournament Set for May

Nairobi — Nairobi City County Chief Officer, Sports, Oscar Igaida Thursday toured Dandora Stadium ahead of its preparation to host the Governor's cup which is scheduled for end of May, 2023.

Said Igaida "Today's visit is to establish the extent of Stadium readiness to host the Governors cup football tournament which will take place at the end of May and will feature 30 football teams from Nairobi County.

The youth of this county are very close to Governor Sakaja's heart and he means well for them. Such events are platforms for gifted footballers to impress soccer scouts. Who knows it is through such tournaments that the likes of Dennis Oliech and Michael Olunga were discovered. The same thing might happen to another young Nairobi youth and provide a stepping stone for them to pursue football professionally and enable them use it to earn a honest living that will keep away from drugs and crime."

The Chief Officer added; "Public spaces are prone to landgrabbers, it is the intention of Governor Sakaja to fullfill the promises made in his Manifesto to secure and develop all our sports grounds in all the 17 sub-counties for public use. The Governors cup will give the youth an opportunity like no other exposure, and growth, we will start from the grassroots up the county level, from this we will be able to identify youth with different sports talents. We are determined to ensure that no one will use spaces meant for the community, for private or any other use we will not allow land grabbers to tamper with these spaces."

Area Member of County Assembly for Dandora 3 Hon. Paul Mathu who accompanied Mr. Igaida expressed confidence that the field will be ready to host the governors cup. "The construction of this Stadium will go along way in nurturing the youth in the Dandora community and the neighbouring wards he added.

During his tour, Mr. Igaida also visited the Calvery sports ground that is earmarked for ground breaking to pave way for the construction of a Sports complex and Mwiki sports ground, the Mwiki grounds have already been secured with a perimetre wall in place and the changing rooms are under construction.

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