Egypt: FM Phones UN Special Envoy for Syria

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Sunday 9/4/2023 made a phone call with UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen.

During the phone conversation, the foreign minister stressed Egypt's support for the efforts exerted by the UN envoy to reach a comprehensive political settlement to the Syrian crisis, in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 2254, said Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Ahmed Abu Zeid.

Shoukry said Egypt gives high priority to restoring Syria's security and stability and eradicating terrorism, as well as ending all forms of foreign intervention in the country.

The spokesman noted that the two sides discussed how to alleviate the Syrian people's suffering.

The pair agreed to maintain consultation and coordination in the next period, where the UN envoy expressed his appreciation of Egypt's endeavors and its continued backing of the UN efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis.


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