Kenya: Azimio Schedules Public Barazas Ahead of Bipartisan Talks

Nairobi — The Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition on Tuesday announced that it will embark on holding "a series of direct engagements with members of the public through town hall meetings and public barazas".

Azimio's announcement came on a day that the Kenya Kwanza Alliance unveiled a seven-member committee that will engage in bipartisan parliamentary talks with their seven-member counterparts in the Raila Odinga-led coalition to resolve electoral issues raised by the opposition.

The Chairman of the Azimio Executive Council Wycliffe Oparanya subsequently noted that the coalition's first town hall meeting will take place on Thursday in Nairobi.

The people's baraza will thereafter follow at the Kamukunji grounds on April 16, 2023.

"The purpose of the town hall meetings and public barazas is to enable the party to explain to the people where we are and the upcoming course of action following the suspension of protests," he said.

The former Kakamega Governor underscored that the coalition was ready to engage with their colleagues in Kenya Kwanza in resolving the issues raised key among them the high cost of living and the need for electoral reforms in the country.

"Azimio remains committed to the spirit of the Easter deal that saw the two parties commit to dialogue and call on Kenya Kwanza to come to the table with clean hands, unclenched fists, and a commitment to an honest and transparent process," he said.

He further announced that the coalition had appointed Rarieda MP Paul Otiende Amolo to serve as Chairman of the seven-member committee from the Azimio side.


President Ruto on April 2, 2023, urged Odinga to call off his anti-government protests and suggested the creation of a bipartisan parliamentary committee to work through concerns over the electoral process.

Odinga consequently later suspended his protest drive and committed to engaging with President Ruto through the bipartisan approach via Parliament.

He, however, warned that the coalition would resort to the protest if the process fails to bear any fruit.

"Should there be no meaningful engagement or response from Hon (Honourable) Ruto to our counter-offer, we resolve to resume our demonstrations after one week," he said.

Besides Amolo, other members of the Azimio side who were selected to spearhead the talks include

Ledama Ole Kina, Edwin Sifuna, Enoch Wambua, Amina Mnyanzi, Millie Adhiambo and David Pkosing.

Those in Kenya Kwanza include Members of Parliament Bonny Khalwale, George Murugara, Essy Okenyuri, Mwengi Mutuse, Lydia Haika, Hillary Sigei, and Adan Keynan.

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