Kenya: We Have Allowed Madness but Within That Madness, There Ought to Be a Formula - CS Kuria On Azimio

Nairobi — Trade, and Investment Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria opines that the first basis of the conversation between Azimio La Umoja and Kenya Kwanza Alliance is the statement of principles between the government and opposition.

Kuria pointed out that failure to that the political tussle between two opposing sides will continue recurring after every election cycle which has a negative effect on the positive economic trajectory.

"We need a statement of principles as a country; our first conversation is on the dos and don'ts the details notwithstanding. The first principle is that there is going to be a government and opposition and two we agree to be civil in our way of engagements," he said.

The Trade and Investment CS expressed that the government and opposition are not bound to be on the same page when it comes to policy execution but the point of departure between the two rival teams needs to be articulated in a civil manner.

"We need to say that we have allowed madness but within that madness, there ought to be a formula to the madness. That we are not going to destroy people's property," Kuria said.

He lamented that during the Azimio La Umoja, demonstrations negatively impacted the economic graph after every electioneering cycle.

"We can't keep on coming from elections on the ballot to election in the streets because that what happens," he stated.

"I am the Minister in charge of most of the economic issues and if you look at our GDP growth curve, it really mirrors this pits and curves in the political cycle."

Currently, it's all system go for the bi-partisan talks on the reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to commence after both the opposing political sides formed their teams.

On Tuesday, the Kenya Kwanza Alliance team listed a seven-member team to engage on the talks with the Azimio Coalition on their behalf.

Those listed include:Adan Keynan (Eldas),Bonnie Khalwale(Kakamega) and George Murugara(Tharaka).

Nominated Senator Essie Okenyeri Mwengi Mutuse(Kibwezi West), Lydia Haika(Taita Taveta) and Hillary Sigei(Bomet) will also be part of Ruto's battalion in the political engagement.

The Kenya Kwanza Alliance parliamentary group chaired by President William Ruto directed the team to engage with the opposition in strict adherence of the law.

"In re-affirming our commitment to the dictates of the constitution and rule of law, the PG directs the team nominated for this bi-partisan process to strictly adhere to our constitution and established laws in addressing the re-constitution of the IEBC panel, as was communicated by the President, on Sunday 2nd April 2023," the Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruyoit stated.

Last week, the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition heeded to the parliamentary process on the bi-partisan approach to reconstitute the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

In the coalition's parliamentary group meeting held in Machakos, the Raila Odinga-led coalition named a 7-member team who will agitate for their reforms in the committee.

Among those who will represent Azimio Coalition in the committee that will draw lawmakers from the two opposing political side include; Ledama Ole Kina (Narok), Edwin Sifuna (Nairobi), Millie Odhiambo (Suba North), Enock Wambua (Kitui), Amina Mnyazi (Malindi), David Pkosing (Pokot South) and Otiende Amollo (Rarieda).

According to demands made by joint taskforce shall represent its report to Parliament within 30 days of its establishment.

"We shall send our members to that select committee. The point of reference shall be lowering the cost of unga and electricity, audit of IEBC servers used before, during and after the 2022 elections, reviewing the dismissal of the IEBC four, and for the government to consider restructuring IEBC by devolving its structures," he said.

In a statement, Odinga threatened that should the talks fails then they would be forced to go back to the streets.

"Should there be no meaningful engagements we shall mobilise Kenyans again under Article 37. The monopoly of power can only be addressed by Kenyans through a constitutional review to end imperial presidency," said the Azimio chief.

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