Mozambique: Police Seize Ten Elephant Tusks in Tete

Mozambique's National Criminal Investigation Service (Sernic) on 31 March detained two individuals, in Zumbo district, in the western province of Tete, who were caught red-handed in the possession of ten elephant tusks that they were trying to sell.

The individuals were caught when it was found that five elephants had been killed in Magoe National Park (PNM).

According to Sernic spokesperson, Fernando Junior, cited in the Beira daily "Diario de Moçambique", both men were seized when trying to negotiate the sale of the tusks. "Two other buyers succeeded in running away but the police are taking measures to find them so that they can be held accountable", he said, adding that the men were caught, thanks to coordination with the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC).

"The tusks weighed 25 kilos and the poachers intended to sell each of them for 3.500 meticais (US$55). These men were already wanted by the authorities because it is believed that they have been poachers for a long time", Junior explained.

The case, he said, will be transferred to the Attorney-General's Office for subsequent steps

The authorities seized 21 tusks, in November, in the Tete districts of Magoe, Cahora Bassa and Moatize.

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