Kenya: 3 Teachers Who Damaged Student's Testicle After Beating Charged

Kisii — Three teachers from Nyabisia secondary school were arraigned in an Ogembo before Senior Principal Magistrate Paul Bewott for destroying a form four student's testicle causing after beating him causing grievous harm.

Douglas Mabiria, Abel Manyange and Frankline Ongwae were charged with causing grievous harm to the 19 year old candidate contrary to section 234 of penal code.

Prosecution counsel Ian Makotsi filled an application opposing the release of the accused persons on bond saying the case is serious in nature and if released they are likely to interfere with the witnesses who are students in this case.

"This is a case which is serious in nature and if the accused persons are released on bond,they might interfere with the witnesses who are students since they have authority over them,"Makotsi argued.

Defense councel Tom Ongori said no compelling reasons to deny the accused persons bail, they are entitled to bail since this is a constitutional right.

"No evidence to demonstrate there is authority to interfere with the witnesses, it's prejudice against the accused persons,"said Ongori.

He further prayed to the court to grant his clients reasonable bail terms since they were teachers from the said school.

The court Magistrate in his determination ruled the accused were entitled to bail on merit.

"Considering the application to deny the accused persons bond, this application supported affidavit that the accused persons will interfere with the witnesses.

The accused teachers were released on a bond of ksh.100,000 each with a cash bail of Ksh.20,000 each.

The case will resume on April 27 for a mention.

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