Uganda: Arrest Anyone Staging Roadblocks to Collect Taxes, Museveni Orders

13 April 2023

President Museveni has directed that anyone involved in staging roadblocks to collect taxes from businesspeople should be arrested, noting that roadblocks were abolished a long time ago.

"We are talking of the Common Market for East Africa which means free movement of goods within the region. Multiple taxation should stop," Museveni said.

The president was on Wednesday speaking to locals and businessmen as part of his investment and wealth creation tour in West Nile under the theme: "securing your future through wealth creation and shared prosperity."

According to Museveni, staging roadblocks to collect taxes make no sense, rather than inconveniencing and subjecting businessmen to double taxation.

The president also commented about the poor state of roads in West Nile region noting that government will ensure there is money to maintain the roads once constructed but also to constantly check on the quality of the constructed roads to avoid shoddy work.

He gave an example of the road from Karuma to Arua that is under reconstruction.

"My engineering unit at State House will come and check and tell me. If we find bad works, we are going to blacklist or even prosecute them," he said.

Commercial farming is gold

The president also urged the business community in Arua to understand the ideology of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) on doing business because out of tis, they will reap a lot of benefits.

According to Museveni, the vision and mission of the NRM is to have all the masses shown the way to prosperity mostly through commercial agriculture and the businesspeople should help government in this area in order for their businesses to thrive and be sustained.

"Businesspeople should not restrict themselves to trading and value addition and forget about commercial farming by those with land. Why? Because you need more raw materials if you're in value addition and secondly you need purchasing power," he said.

Responding to the issue of insufficient capital and the high interest rates on loans from commercial banks, the President urged that the Parish Development Model (PDM) will solve this immediately once it is fully understood and supported.

"Don't take long expensive loans from commercial banks. Concentrate on improving the working of Uganda Development Bank (UDB). Work with your MPs to support me to put more money there. The PDM is helping us to start the Parish Banks which will be receiving 100 Million Shillings each year," the President emphasized.

The Minister of State for Finance in charge of Investments, Evelyn Anite said that in line with the president's directive, land has been secured in different districts of West Nile to establish industrial parks.

The chairperson of Arua Business Community; Moses Obetya, who spoke on behalf of the large-scale business persons in West Nile, appreciated President Museveni for the prevailing peace that has enabled them to do business.

"We used to spend nights on the road from Arua to Kampala and sometimes not being sure of our safety while returning to Arua. Today, this is no-longer the case," Obetya said.

John Anguyo who spoke on behalf of the small-scale businesses, called upon the president to intervene in the mismanagement of Arua Market.

He said the market is not benefiting the poor people for which it was constructed, noting that up to 750 stalls in the market are not yet allocated.

In response, President Museveni revealed that he has already received a full report and those involved including the Chief Administration Officer and the Town Clerk whom he said will have to answer.

"They are finished now," he said.

The meeting was also attended and addressed by the Vice President, Jessica Alupo Obiga Kania (Urban Development), Dr. Joyce Moriku Kaducu (Primary Education), Gen Katumba Wamala (Works & Transport), Dr. Chris Baryomunsi (ICT & National Guidance) and Ruth Nankabirwa (Energy & Mineral Development).

Others included the NRM Secretary General Richard Todwong, Hon Members of Parliament from Arua and officials from Uganda Revenue Authority and Uganda Investment Authority.

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