Kenya: Kalonzo Says Govt Must Explain Attack on Odinga During Azimio Protests

Nairobi — Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka says the Azimio coalition will not stop at anything in seeking an explanation from the government on the attack on its leader Raila Odinga during last month's protests.

Kalonzo, who spoke at a Town Hall meeting in Thursday said the attack on Raila that left his car windscreen smashed as he led protesters was intentional.

Azimio leaders said Odinga's vehicle was shot at, in what they claim was an attempt on his life.

"Were it not that Raila's vehicle was armoured we would be talking a different story," he said.

Odinga who suspended protests last month to give dialogue with President William Ruto a chance has now vowed to mobilise more demonstrations after the Ramadhan period.

He suspended the protests after President Ruto suggested bi-partisan talks to be undertaken through parliament to address concerns by the Opposition.

And even though Odinga both sides have named teams to spearhead the talks, the Opposition leader says the talks are not likely to resolve all their issues after the president insisted they can only talk about the reconstitution of the electoral commission.

Odinga wants the talks expanded outside Parliament to also address claims of his stolen vote as well as the cost of living.

"Our quest won't stop and we'll hold the mother of all demonstrations next Monday, regardless of what our detractors say. We won't give up."

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