Uganda: Ramadhan Tip - the Quran Guarantees Success in This Life and the Next

14 April 2023

Parents want their children to achieve success in this world.

Success can be financial, social, emotional and even spiritual.

For some families, having their children learn the Quran is the cornerstone to success in all areas of life.

Parents themselves also want to be successful in this world and hereafter. The answer to all your queries regarding success is making Quran part of your life.

The Quran is a divine book and the word of Allah. The meaning that the noble Quran carries is unmatchable and not to be found in any other book in the world.

According to Muslim scholars, the Quran includes every aspect of life which a person needs to know about.The best of all education in this world is the Quran.

Sheikh Murtallah Bukenya, a Muslim scholar said Islam gives importance to the learning of the Quran as it is a complete code of conduct, calling upon parents to teach their children the holy book.

"How do you feel when your child is reciting the Quran? The effort you put in to ensure that your child becomes a lawyer or an engineer, should be the same effort to make sure he or she memorises the Quran. Make sure to have a child in a family who has memorised the Quran," he said.

Given the fact that Islam attaches great importance to knowledge, learning and education, Sheikh Bukenya said learning the Quran is mandatory for Muslims whether men or women.

He also called upon adults to learn the Quran, adding that age doesn't matter because prophet Muhammad learned how to recite Quran at the age of 40.

"If you don't know how to receive the Quran, please look for a sheikh who can teach you the Quran. It is very bad to die when you don't know how to recite the Quran. Age doesn't matter, go back and learn the Quran,' he guided.

The Prophet Muhammadi (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "O mankind. I have left behind you that if you hold fast to it, you will never go astray: the book of Allah (Quran) and the Sunnah of His prophet"

The benefits of Quran learning are unlimited with the primary benefit of guidance in every matter of life or towards the straight path.

The Quran is a complete doctrine guiding people towards truth and embarking them with the enlightenment of Islamic teachings. The Quran will intercede for Muslims on the Day of Judgment.

The reciters of Quran will be in the company of noble and obedient angels in the hereafter and those who learn it their status will be raised in this life.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "The best of you is he who learnt the Holy Quran and taught it to others."

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