Angola: Foreign Minister Advocates More Dynamic Diplomacy

Luanda — The minister of Foreign Affairs, Téte António, urged this Thursday in Luanda the Angolan diplomats to exercise a dynamic and assertive diplomacy, with the participation of all officials, from top to bottom.

Téte António, who was speaking during the closing ceremony of the IX Extended Consultative Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX), pointed out to the need of a collective action in order to lead in the right path the mission regarding the promotion of Angola's image abroad, as well as the attraction of investments in the framework of the economy diversification process.

The minister reminded the diplomats that their first task is to represent Angola abroad and it must be performed with zeal, pride and discipline, despite any difficulties.

According to the minister, the speech of the Head of State, João Lourenço (at the opening ceremony), serves as a guideline for a more assertive performance.

"The tools given during this meeting are indispensable to break taboos and the current work culture, in order to contribute to a better MIREX, which can support with excellence the Head of the State and of which we can be proud", he emphasized.

The advisory council was held under the motto "MIREX and Angolan diplomatic action in the current international context: challenges and perspectives" and aims to carry out a periodic performance assessment in the field of foreign policy and diplomacy.

The event also served to evaluate the degree of coordination between MIREX structures and government partners, planning activities for the current year, strengthening internal organization, and analyzing the main issues in international politics.

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