Kenya: Raila - I'm Ready for Bi-Partisan Talks but With Conditions

Raila Odinga at a Chatham House event in 2017.

Nairobi — Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga has dismissed claims by the government that he is planning anarchy through anti-government protests.

Speaking when he joined the Christian faithful for Sunday Service at St Stephen's ACK Church along Jogoo Road, Raila said he wants a peaceful solution to their grievances.

"We are ready to dialogue with the other side but we are asking that they do not come to the negotiation table with contempt. We are not mad people who want to see bloodshed in our country. We have children, we have our women and we have our men," he stated before he led a rally at Kamukunji grounds.

He said he will mobilize what he described as peaceful protests to run parallel with the bi-partisan talks with the government side, and criticized police for using excessive force on his supporters during similar protests held in March.

"There are some people who are saying that I am calling for nationwide protests to cause anarchy. I want to be clear that the protests that we are organizing are not for destruction, we are telling the Government that we don't agree with the ways they are running affairs which have left civil servants without pay for weeks," Raila stated.

Similar protests in March in Nairobi and Kisumu left at least three people dead including a police officer.

Property of unknown value was also destroyed in the two cities.

President William Ruto and his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua have warned the Opposition against leading violent protests, but vowed tough action should they degenerate into chaos.

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