Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Primaries Re-Runs - Heavy Weights Wadyajena, Ziyambi Fail to Bounce Back in Preliminary Results

Zanu PF national political commissar Mike Bimha has said the ruling party's primary elections' re-runs held over the weekend witnessed no incidents of violence, intimidation and rigging previously reported in the first plebiscite.

In a press conference at the party's headquarters, Monday, Bimha said the politburo would soon meet to endorse candidates elected in the respective constituencies.

Re-runs were set for Mashonaland West, Midlands and Harare provinces after reports of massive rigging and violence.

In Mashonaland West, Zvimba West Justice minister Ziyambi Ziyambi lost for the second time to Mercy Dinha.

Gokwe-Nembudziya constituency, Justice Mayor Wadyajena was booted out as former cabinet minister Flora Buka won again in the primaries.

Harare's Mbare constituency saw Martin Matinyanya being declared the winner and in Churu, Ephraim Fundukwa won.

Matabeleland South Insiza constituency saw a re-run being cancelled after withdrawal of a candidate and Spare Sithole being declared the winner.

"No reports of violence, intimidation and rigging were reported as elections were conducted smoothly.

"By 1500hours, all polling stations were done with the elections and results came out before 2000 Hrs on the same day (Saturday).

Bimha told the media that all results were still regarded 'preliminary' and can only be final after politburo's endorsement anytime soon.

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