South Africa: Appeal Court Frontrunner and Female Judge Accused of Being 'Abrasive' At Judicial Service Commission


Judge Mahube Molemela is President Cyril Ramaphosa's preferred candidate to be the next head of the Supreme Court of Appeal, and her appointment looks secure after a largely respectful hearing at the Judicial Service Commission on Monday. But Judge Molemela was still faced with an age-old accusation towards successful women.

Judge Mahube Molemela's barnstorming judicial career looks set to culminate in her appointment as the next head of the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA).

Molemela, currently on the Bench at the SCA, appeared before the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) on Monday in what was largely a box-ticking exercise following President Cyril Ramaphosa's February announcement that he intended to appoint her to lead South Africa's second-highest court.

Molemela replaces Judge Mandisa Maya at the top of the SCA, with Maya having left the court in September 2022 to take up the role of Deputy Chief Justice. Molemela has served as a justice of the SCA since 2018, following a stint as the Free State Judge President.

Molemela's impressive credentials speak for themselves. Chairing the JSC session on Monday, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo pointed out that she has acted in every appellate court in the country.

On hearing that only three of her judgments have been overturned in a judicial career of 15 years, Zondo commented: "That's a very good record."

Other commissioners seemed similarly impressed -- with the exception of Molemela's current acting boss, Judge Xola Petse.

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