Kenya: Love Blossoms in Parliament as Mathira MP Wamumbi to Wed Murang'a Woman Rep Betty

Nairobi — If You were told that love can blossom at the corridors of Parliament you would spell doom on that love affair, the August House much known for political theatrics.

For Mathira Member of Parliament Eric Wamumbi and Murang'a Woman Representative Betty Maina apart from adhering to standing orders and familiarizing themselves with motions and bills, the House created a conducive environment for love to flourish.

The two are set to make history as the first couple to serve their terms as husband and wife.

Wamumbi proposed to Betty on Monday during a dinner event attended by Kirinyanga Governor Anne Waiguru, her Nakuru Counterpart Susan Kihika, Nominated Senator Veronica Maina, and Laikipia Woman Representative Jane Kagiri.

"And out of love , She said yes!"the Mathira MP wrote on Facebook.

Sources have intimated that arrangements are already underway to have the two lovebirds tie the knot with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua slated to take a major role in the union ceremony as he has always regarded Wamumbi as his son.

When Gachagua was nominated as President William Ruto's running mate he shelved his earlier ambition of running as Mathira MP and instead groomed Wamumbi to run for the seat under the United Democratic Alliance seat.

At the time, Wamumbi was seeking to defend his second term as Konyu Ward Representative in Nyeri County.

Love Blossoms

Revelations made by the Mathira MP are that the couple started dating during the grueling 2022 campaigns amidst the hectic efforts to traverse different regions in the Central region to propel President William Ruto to StateHouse.

The rising political temperatures didn't choke their love for each other despite the love wounds they faced during their past relationships.

During the campaigns, the cat was not out of the bag that the two political leaders had a thing for each other but when they triumphed their way to the August House, there was no reason to hide anymore.

During their orientation in Parliament, they walked together most of the time, had lunch together and you would witness a giggle here and there.

One would be forgiven to think that there were merely good buddies who loved to spend their time together as first-time legislators because love birds within precincts of Parliament were unheard of.

Most legislators make their way to the legislative house having tied the knot already given the informal requirement in most regions for leaders to have a spouse or a family.

Secret Out

Months into their term, it was no longer a secret as they could no longer hide the love given their post on social media to appreciate each other.

On the 14th of February, Wamumbi didn't shy to post her love Betty and appreciate her before the world.

"I will never get tired of falling in love with you again and again my beautiful Betty. Happy valentines my love," the Mathira MP wrote to her love.

Soon enough they started attending church even together for Thanksgiving with Wamumbi revealing that the couple have informally started living together.

"I never imagined I would be where I am today, an MP, it is all God's miracle. And then God gave me Betty, this girl is fine, she has everything I want in a woman, at home she is a wife, my best friend, my prayer partner, mother of our children, my happiness, my best cook and the one I have chosen to grow old with" he posted on December 21, 2022 during his birthday.

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