Uganda: Let the Piercing Iron Sheets Choke the Responsible Political Actors

19 April 2023

In his letter to the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja dated April 3, 2023, H.E President Yoweri Museveni has vowed to take political action against all ministers that took Karamoja iron sheets that were meant for the Karachuna.

The president's pronouncement comes as a major reassurance to all sections of society that awaited his response since the 'mabbati saga' came into public domain.

The president termed the diversion of mabaati by Ministers and giving them to people or institutions in their constituencies as 'political corruption'.

He goes ahead and advises the ministers that were consciously involved to take personal responsibility and pay back the value of the mabaati they took.

Corruption is a major problem that has plagued our country for decades and though there are mechanisms to fight it, many still believe that more can be done.

This belief has eroded public trust in government, and undermined the rule of law.

Recently, fighting corruption has become a top priority for President Museveni, playing a crucial role in making sure that the culprits are brought to book.

As the head of state, he has the power and influence to enact policies and create a culture of transparency and accountability.

Hon. Mary Goretti Kitutu, the Minister for Karamoja spent Easter in jail whereas Amos Lugoloobi, the State Minister for Finance is also at Luzira because of their involvement and there is hope that more leaders will follow suit.

According to the office of the Director of public Prosecutions, seven more files of ministers cited in the mabaati saga have been received and according to deputy public relations officer of the office, these files will be handled urgently.

This strong stance against corruption amongst the top leadership of the country has elicited a variety of emotions from Ugandans.

Right now, Ugandans who have long been frustrated with the pervasive corruption in the country feel a renewed sense of hope seeing government taking concrete actions to fight it.

Finally there is hope for change and that Uganda can start to move in a positive direction.

This is a necessary step towards a more just and equitable society, and most people are willing to lend their voices to support this cause.

President Museveni should be applauded for his constant stance against corruption and he has demonstrated this with various initiatives he has put in place.

Firstly, the head of state acting under Article 99 (4) of the Constitution established the State House Anti-corruption Unit with a view of obtaining speedy resolution to corruption complaints.

True to their mandate, the mabaati story was the work of a whistle-blower and State House Anti corruption Unit.

With adequate resources to carry out its duties effectively, this unit is independent of the government and reports directly to the head of state. This has ensured that corrupt officials are held accountable for their actions, regardless of their position within the government and have been applauded for their involvement in exposing corruption tendencies.

Secondly, the head of state has allowed mechanisms that strengthens anti-corruption measures. Legislation with provisions for the disclosure of assets by public officials, protection for whistleblowers, and harsh penalties for those found guilty of corruption are already in place.

This, including strengthening of existing laws and ensuring that they are enforced sends a strong message that corruption will not be tolerated in this country.

Thirdly, government promotes transparency and accountability in her operations. This has been done through encouraging public participation in decision-making processes, and ensuring that government officials are held accountable for their actions.

The parliament's Public Accounts Committee COSASE has done a great job in exposing Auditor General's reports on performance of government agencies and ensuring that these agencies are accountable to the public.

Alot more has been put in place to fight corruption like the use of technology in fighting corruption. This includes the use of electronic procurement systems, which can reduce the opportunities for corruption in government procurement processes.

President Museveni has also embraced the use of social media and other digital platforms to increase transparency and accountability in government operations.

Uganda promotes a culture of ethics and integrity in government through ethics training for government officials, promoting the values of transparency and accountability, and creating an environment where honesty and integrity are valued.

More needs to be done but since there is political will, alot will be salvaged.

Therefore, for someone to collect public property meant for vulnerable persons and take for personal use must be strongly condemned.

The president rightly referred to this category of ministers as 'thieves' and must be handled by the police under the criminal Laws of Uganda.

He goes ahead to promise political action against all those involved after police investigations. What a time to be alive.

Fighting corruption in a country like Uganda is complex and challenging.

However, all measures, if implemented effectively, can go a long way in reducing corruption and improving the lives of citizens.

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