Uganda: Elders Petition Museveni, Biden Over Support for-Cancer-Treatment

20 April 2023

A group of senior citizens who have previously served the country in high positions have written to President Museveni and his US counterpart, Joe Biden asking them to join the fight against cancer and diabetes.

The elders include retired Chief Justice, Wako Wambuzi, Joseph Mulwanyamuli Semwogerere, former Buganda Katikkiro, John Bosco Katutsi, retired High Court Judge, Prof.Livingstone Luboobi, former Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof.John Ddumba Ssentamu, former Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Kasole Lwanga former Buweekula County MP and John Mujinya Bigyemano, a retired broadcast journalist.

The group in their letter to Museveni say they have been moved by the exploits of David Senfuka the proprietor of Leona-NNN-Medical Research and Diagnostics center whose natural medicines have proved as effective cures for diabetes and cancer but needs assistance.

"Some of us authoring this letter are living witnesses to that fact, yet, however, we have found it reprehensible, that up to now, no government effort or enthusiasm has been shown or expressed to have his exploits encouraged to a level desirable for all and sundry to benefit," the elders say.

"Being familiar with fiscal challenges that Uganda has for long labored under, we cannot pretend to think that there exists a magical wand to manage every problem and opportunity as they arise, but nonetheless, we have lived long enough to appreciate that for every problem presented therein lies an opportunity."

The senior citizens, some of whom are academicians and also retired judges say they have researched enough to see there exists a legal framework under which local innovators like Ssenfuka can have their innovations encouraged, elevated and protected.

They say that for example, an innovator and researcher like Ssenfuka would require endorsement from an institutional review body like a university which would ethically approve clinical trial protocols and in conjunction with the Uganda National Council of Science and Technology, permission would be granted to carry out human clinical trials.

"We only wonder why the relevant state bodies have not come out to enthusiastically embrace this man's innovations. The opportunities likely capable of being derived from fostering this innovation, cannot be over amplified. Right from the most prized benefit of having medicine capable of curing these diseases is laudable enough even to mind less about others, but if we may add, the national income likely to be derived from such a certification is capable of turning the fortunes of this country around," the elders say.

The senior citizens say they are seeking the audience of President Museveni to pitch to him the project they say is viable and to this, they have requested him to appoint a special committee with the sole purpose of appraising Ssenfuka's research findings.


The Ugandan elders have also in a similar manner written to US President, Joe Biden asking that the United States takes interest in Ssenfuka's research project.

"We write to you with a strong earnest desire to request that your country should find interest in a partnership for posterity with one of our country's citizens who has achieved rather startling discovery of natural formulas for the treatment of cancers and diabetes," the senior citizens say.

"The knowledge gained through various research programs has benefitted not only US citizens but also the whole world. It is in this spirit that we propose and request that you extend your presidential prerogative in these matters beyond your country's federal limits to include funding a collaborative campaign with your country's vast biotech industrialists with our own David Ssenfuka."

The senior citizens say as living direct and indirect beneficiaries of Ssenfuka's innovations in his spectrum of cancer and diabetes research, the only way to give back to the world is seeking support of important global personalities like Biden to Ssenfuka.

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