Kenya: Ichung'wah Says Kenya Kwanza Won't Discuss IEBC Servers in Talks With Azimio

Nyeri — National Assembly Majority leader Kimani Ichung'wah now says Kenya Kwanza will not discuss any power sharing or opening of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) servers during the bi-partisan talks with Azimio La Umoja One Kenya party.

Speaking in Nyeri on Friday during a meeting with members of county assemblies from five counties in the Mount Kenya region, Ichung'wah stated that they will discuss all other issues raised except those two demands.

"As a leader from Kenya kwanza, I want to assure our supporters that we will discuss all other demands. However, the issue of power sharing and opening of servers are out as far as we are concerned, " he stated.

According to Ichung'wah, the issue of power sharing was done away with by Kenyans who elected the Kenya Kwanza government.

"I want to categorically say that we are not going to discuss the two issues. We won the election fair and square so it's a no-go zone for us," he said.

The revelations by Ichung'wah come at a time when the two teams have agreed on a raft of measures that will see them start talks next week.

The Azimio team has said that they will walk away from the talks when they see or sense a lack of goodwill from the government team.

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