Kenya: Parliament Ready to Midwife Bi-Partisan Talks On IEBC Reconstitution, Wetangula Says

Nairobi — Parliament is ready to midwife the bi-partisan discussions that will resolve the current political stand-off pitting the government and the opposition, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula has said.

Speaking in Bungoma on Friday, Wetangula hailed President William Ruto and the Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga for choosing to resolve the political stand-off through negotiations noting that the decision was a noble idea and a show of statesmanship by the two leaders.

"Parliament is ready to midwife and facilitate the negotiations in the hope that the exercise will bring peace, tranquility and development to our country," the Speaker said.

"When you compete in a general election and you emerge victorious you become the president of everyone, for those who voted for you and those who did not therefore you must put interests of all at heart. Kenya is for all of us."

The Speaker made the comments on Friday during a funds drive in aid of Chebukaka Girls Secondary School in Kabuchai Constituency, Bungoma County.

He defended President Ruto against the accusation by the opposition that he is not sincere in the bipartisan efforts pointing out that the head of state has reaffirmed his commitment to engage in talks with any leaders for good of the country.

"The Head of State has been clear that the talk should not be centered around the last general election because the polls were credible," he added.

He however took issue with the opposition noting that it is wrong to blame the President for the high cost of living insisting that the current budget was prepared by the Uhuru regime.

"Kenya Kwanza government is operating on a budget prepared by the last regime which has subjected Kenyans to suffering," said the National Assembly Speaker.

The 2023/24 budget estimates are due in Parliament this week. The Public Finance Management Act provides that the National Treasury must submit annual budget estimates two months before the end of the financial year.

"President Ruto's first budget will take effect in July and it will address the high cost of living by lowering prices of essential commodities such as fuel and flour among others."

Wetangula challenged the Parliamentarians to ensure that the budget must address fundamental issues faced by Kenyans because as people's representatives, they know them better.

The Speaker said he was happy that for the first time, political leaders from Bungoma County were speaking with one voice irrespective of their political affiliations.

He added that as a result, they were enabled to bargain for development projects for the region when he led all leaders among them the governor and MPs in visiting the president at State House on Wednesday.

Among the key projects that the president promised to initiate in the region is the installation of a new mill at Nzoia Sugar factory to boost its production, the setting up of a new Level Six hospital worth Sh8 billion, and tarmacking of all roads that had stalled in the area among others.

He said he will work with local leaders to support the infrastructural development of the schools so that students get quality education.

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