Kenyans Blast CS Mutua Move to Send Police Officers to Fight Haiti Gangsters

Kenyans on twitter have blasted Foreign Affairs cabinet secretary Alfred Mutua for hinting that Kenya has offered to send police officers to Haiti to help stabilize the gang wrenched country.

Through his official twitter account, Mutua had indicated that the government had reviewed Haiti's situation where gangs have made towns and peoples' lives unbearable. "In this regard, Kenya has offered to send police officers to assist in stabilizing the country. is one of the nations at the forefront in supporting Haiti's process towards stability," the CS had twitted.

Kenyans on twitter have since questioned the sentiments of the cabinet secretary with some calling on him to first have the police deal with the situation in the troubled north of Kenya.

"Why can't we first deal with the bandit situation in West Pokot, Samburu, Marsabit & others? Or Kenyan lives do not matter? "tweeted a Kenyan, with some observing the low number of police to citizen ratio.

It is however not the first time Kenya is sending forces abroad to help quell unrest in those regions.

In November last year, Kenya sent 900 troops to the troubled Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) which is faced with a major security challenge in the eastern part. Armed groups in eastern DRC had stepped up attacks, reviving ancient animosities and unleashing a surge in tension with neighboring Rwanda.

The planned sending of troops to Haiti therefore adds to the statistics of Kenyan boots abroad.

According to the UN.gangs have grown more powerful in Haiti since the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, and already control an estimated 60% of Port-au-Prince Haiti's largest port.

In March alone, new clashes between gangs in Haiti's capital and beyond have killed at least 187 people in less than two weeks and injured more than 150 others as reported by the UN.

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