Kenya: MPs Grill National Police Service Commission Nominee on Police Reform Matters During Vetting

Nairobi — Focus on police reforms and the need to improve the police welfare dominated Monday's vetting and approval hearings for the nominee to the National Police Service Commission, Edwin Kiprono.

The 44- year old lawyer appeared before the National Assembly Departmental Committee on Administration and Internal Affairs for the vetting and approval hearings in line with the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act.

To start off the session, he faced a barrage of questions from the Chairperson, Gabriel Tongoyo ( Narok West) and the Vice Chair, Dido Rasso (Saku).

The questions ranged from his suitability for the position, his key achievements as the first County Speaker of the Nandi County Assembly, to how to enhance the relationship of the National Police Service and National Police Service Commission.

In his response, the nominee who is also an advocate of the High Court told the Committee that his past experience as a legal practitioner, Clerk of the Nandi County Assembly and currently as a Member of the Tax Appeals Tribunal at the Judiciary had prepared him for the position.

He further told the Committee that he would relinquish his position at the Tribunal if he is appointed to the Commission to avert a situation of a conflict of interest.

Not convinced by this response, Committee Member Jehow Fatuma Abdi (Wajir CWR) sought to know why his curriculum vitae's presentation was basic despite his vast experience.

The nominee told the Committee that his passion to make a difference in the National Police Service had led him to apply the for the position, where he beat 302 other candidates to bag the nomination.

MPs Fred Kapondi ( Mount Elgon), Oku Kaunya (Teso North), Sarah Korere ( Laikipia North) and Protus Okujah (Loima) sought to know how a House recommendation for his appointment would impact on the police welfare.

The Members cited numerous cases of stagnation of officers at the same rank, lack of consideration for promotion for graduate officers as well as lack poor kitting of police officers had affected their morale.

The lawmakers also noted that there is an influx of mental illnesses among younger officers especially those whose first posting is in hardship areas.

In response, Kiprono observed that if appointed to the position, he would be keen to see the implementation of the much awaited Maraga Task Force on Police Reforms with regard to promotion and improvement of remuneration to boost their morale.

With regard to the fate of graduate police officers ,he noted that it is imperative that the Commission develops a policy to have entry level requirements for both graduate cadets( for specialised cadres) and general service for other officers.

"It is important that we have a policy that spells out the entry requirements for graduates and for general officers. We also have to look at promotions not just from an academic point of view but also from exemplary service and officer's experience", he held.

Concerning cases of mental health of officers, the nominee proposed that the Commission should establish a framework within which to handle such officers.

He suggested that all high ranking officers overseeing a number of officers should undergo a course on Human Resource management to equip them with skills on how to handle their juniors.

"These officers are human beings. Their issues need to be addressed from that front. A course on human resource mana should be rolled out to senior officers to build their capacity on how to deal with their junior colleagues", he told MPs.

Kisumu MP Rozaah Buyu raised with the nominee the issue of police compensation should they die or get maimed while on duty. Mr. Kiprono undertook that if appointed, he would push for the review of their medical insurance scheme to adequately cater for such eventualities.

Other Members present during the session were Hon. Aduma Owour (Nyatike), Abdulrahman Hussein Weytan (Mandera East) and Mburu Kahangara (Lari).

The Committee now retreats to prepare its report for consideration by the House.

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