Kenya: Mudavadi Affirms Govt Will Not Allow Impunity, No One Above the Law

Nairobi — Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has affirmed that the government will not allow impunity saying no one is above the law as provided in the law.

He was responding to questions raised by National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah on how the government will check on the proliferation gangs in the country.

The Majority Leader had raised concerns that the unlawful Mungiki gang was slowly re-emerging claiming that he had spotted Mungiki elements during the Jubilee fiasco in Kileleshwa.

"If there are people walking in the streets with Mungiki and guns, surely those people are not attracting foreign direct investment let alone local investment, we have to grow out of those awkward practices and move forward to get the country of its feet." Mudavadi said.

Ichung'wah had made allegations before the house that the group of youth who accompanied retired President Uhuru Kenyatta to Jubilee headquarters today were the outlawed Mungiki gang.

"Appraise the nation on what government is doing to check the proliferation of gangs. This afternoon we have witnessed the former president lead a gang of goons to take over an office," he stated.

"The region I come from Mungiki has caused menace when we see Mungiki rising again we get concerned more so when we see elements associated with Mungiki being led by a former President becomes an issue of national concern," Ichungwa stated.

Mudavadi however assured that the government through the Ministry Of Interior and Coordination alongside the National Police Service will not be vindictive in handling the cases of proliferation of gangs that poses a security threat.

"We want to state categorically that nobody is above the law. Even if there is the kind of provocation, we can see in certain quarters we will still observe the rule of law as we exercise restraint from aspects of being vindictive," said Mudavadi.

"It's not our intention to be vindictive, but provocation must also be put aside.We want to focus on uniting the country," he added.

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta told off police officers who had cordoned the Jubilee Party Headquarters' located at Kileleshwa during the heated wrangles between two rival faction in the party.

Kenyatta who is the party leader while making a public appearance at the party headquarters since the wrangles was accompanied by the embattled secretary general Jeremiah Kioni.

"We are not leaving here until you leave," Kenyatta told the police officers as the supporters who escorted him cheered on.

Soon after, the police officers left the premises granting Kioni's faction led by Kenyatta to access the party headquarters that had been cordoned by police officers since morning.

Shortly after, the Former President addressed journalist where he bashed the National Police Administrations for being used to settle political scores instead of undertaking their mandate independently.

"I want to ask our police officers to kindly follow the law and we have seen you so many times following the path of violating the law. Please adhere to justice because you pledged to protect the country and the people," said Kenyatta.

Kenyatta who was visibly angered questioned why the police meddled with the internal affairs of the Jubilee party further disrupting the peace and serene in the community neighboring the party headquarters.

"This property is not ours we have only rented it. We have neighbors surrounding this building yet you have thrown teargas at them so that you can take the house by force. That's not right, that's not the law," he said.

Police on Wednesday were forced to lob teargas outside Jubilee Party headquarters in Nairobi to disperse supporters of Jeremiah Kioni and Kanini Kega who are fighting over a party takeover.

This comes as Kega and Kanini clash over who is the bonafide Secretary-General of the former ruling party.

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