Africa CDC Hosts the Partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing (PAVM) Forum

press release

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia — 26/04/2023. Her Excellency the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa opened the Partnerships for African Vaccines Manufacturing (PAVM) Forum at the African Union Commission Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The Partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing (PAVM) was established by the African Union (AU), under the Africa CDC, in 2021 to deliver a bold goal: enable the African vaccine manufacturing industry to develop, produce, and supply over 60 percent of the total vaccine doses required on the continent by 2040, up from less than 1 percent. The Continental Framework for Action (FFA) was developed and endorsed during the 40th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council and lays out the key interventions required to enable the development of a sustainable vaccine manufacturing industry in Africa.

The PAVM Forum saw the participation of the African Union Member States, African Manufacturers, National Regulatory Agencies (NRAs), Partners and donors with an objective of providing updates on the Progress achieved under the PAVM Initiative, a thorough review of the eight bold programs, highlight new priorities, outline areas for continued collaboration and support, and interact with member states, manufacturers, funders, and other partners on their priorities.

"The Forum coincides with the world vaccination week which aims to highlight the collective action needed to protect people from vaccine-preventable diseases, we are also reminded of the continuous challenges for access to vaccines on the African continent" said H.E. Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission. She further noted "Through PAVM, African Union will advocate and coordinate vaccine manufacturing on the continent; and continue to advocate for strong support and prioritization of quality African vaccines within Member States."

"PAVM is on a multi-stage journey to realize the AU/ Africa CDC 's new public health order. 2021, was about setting the objectives, consolidating a fact base, set the continental strategy and launched the Framework for Action. In the next two years, the focus will be on implementation of the strategy". said Dr. Jean Kaseya, Director General of Africa CDC. "Furthermore, a focus will be extended to adjacent products - therapeutics and diagnostics to actually fulfill the New Public Health Order pillar 3: Expanded Manufacturing of Vaccines, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics to democratize access to life-saving medicines and equipment" He added.

The implementation of the PAVM's objectives will be a long-term effort that requires strong coordination and collaboration amongst partners across a number of areas in the vaccine manufacturing ecosystem. Through discussions, the PAVM Forum will help AU Member States make decisions on priorities for developing the African healthcare ecosystem, and guide funders and other partners to make decisions on allocation of resources.

The Forum will last three days with the expectations that Member States, African manufacturers, donors and partners give their inputs and feedback on how best to implement the PAVM with a short-term focus on setting up the required structures and programmes to give the industry momentum to grow, and a medium-term goal focused on solidifying the enabling environment to prepare for broadening manufacturing operations on the continent horizon between 2030 and 2040.


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