Kenya: Senate 11-Member Team to Probe Shakahola Massacre

Nairobi — Senators on Thursday established an Ad-hoc Committee which will Investigate the proliferation of religious organizations and the circumstances leading to the deaths of 103 people in Shakahola, Kilifi county.

The author of the motion, Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale said the committee will have 90 days to ensure the truth is unearthed.

"The committee owes the 53 million Kenyans that never again, will a Christian child, never again will a Muslim child, never again will the child of this country, be denied an opportunity to drink water, to eat food in the name of religion," Khalwale said.

The Majority Whip mentioned that failure to regulate religious activities has opened the door wide for religious leaders to radicalize Kenyans through licenses given to controversial preachers.

"If you do a financial audit, the one who was arrested today, in the name of Ezekiel Odero, if you go to his compound it is like you are in Los Angeles. This must stop. Don't give us a report that will suggest in any way, selective justice."

"If Yesu of Tongaren is the problem, come for him. If you are coming for Yesu of Tongaren please come for people like the so-called Prophet Owuor," he said.

He said the Committee will investigate the role played by one Paul Mackenzie of the Good News International Church, his pastoral team, and the Kilifi County Security committee in aiding and abetting the deaths of the followers of the Good News International Church in Shakahola, Kilifi County.

"The Committee is expected to establish through the office of the Registrar of Societies, the number and activities of religious groups in the country including their registration and compliance status," the Senate Majority Whip said.

Those listed to sit in the ad-hoc committee include Hillary Sigei (Bomet), Tabitha Mutinda (Nominated), Veronica Maina (Nominated), William Cheptumo (Baringo), and Shakila Mohammed (Nominated).

Others include David Wakoli (Bungoma), Hamida Kibwana (Nominated), Richard Onyonka (Kisii), Eddy Oketch (Migori), and Abdul Haji (Garissa).

The committee will carry out an audit of the legal and registration framework for religious organizations in the country.

The committee will further develop a legislative proposal on regulating religious activities and make any other recommendation that will prevent religious organizations from extreme indoctrination of their followers including radicalization, and spiritual and financial exploitation.

Senate Minority Whip Stewart Madzayo who recused himself from the committee urged senators in the ad-hoc committee to ensure the devastating challenge of radicalization is eradicated.

"My prayer is that at the end of it, they will come with very fundamental legislative proposals that will find favor in this house so that the country will move forward and change this negative happening, the events that have made this country cry," said Madzayo.

Tana River Senator Dunstan Mungatana added: "That the crying and the tears of Kenyans and the people who have been affected directly and those that have been horrified by what has happened, that we will turn those tears into something positive, that people will be able to take their kids to Sunday school without fearing,"

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