Kenya: KNCCI Calls for a Speedy Resolution of the Political Stalemate in the Country

Kisumu — The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) has called for the speedy resolution of the political stalemate in the country to protect business.

KNCCI president Richard Ngatia said the collapse of talks between Kenya Kwanza and Azimio factions and the return of demonstrations this week is likely to affect businesses across the country.

Ngatia said the business sector was still reeling from the effects of the covid-19 lockdown asking all political leaders in the country to work on resolving their differences to create a conducive environment for business to thrive.

"It has been very difficult for us. We had covid-19 and as businesses were struggling to bounce back we experienced drought and the war in Ukraine and the general elections which disrupted business," he said.

The KNCCI boss said besides hurting business, the country risked losing out on direct foreign investment since the disruptions were scaring potential investors.

"Our members have also suffered immensely because of these disruptions. Our prayer is that there should be no more demonstrations for us to have a conducive environment for the economy to bounce back," he said.

Ngatia who is defending his seat in the forthcoming KNCCI elections asked the two political sides to explore avenues of brokering peace for the economy to bounce back.

Speaking at Tom Mboya labour college in Kisumu during a meeting with KNCCI leaders from the lake region economic bloc (LREB), Ngatia said he was confident of retaining his seat owing to his track record.

"I have made a decision to defend my seat. i am happy that the KNCCI leadership from the 14 counties that make up this bloc have made a declaration to support and vote for me," he said.

If re-elected, Ngatia who is running alongside businessman Shariff Abdullwali said his focus will be to build capacity for chamber officials at national and county level.

He added that the chamber will also build capacity for small and medium enterprises to ensure they have access to finances to grow the sector.

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