Kenya: Govt Orders Deployment of Security in Meru North to Battle Cattle Rustlers

Nairobi — Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has ordered immediate deployment of Anti-Stock Theft Unit (ASTU) in Meru North to tame the wave of cattle rustling between Meru and Isiolo Counties.

Kindiki, who was addressing a security public baraza at Ndoleli Chief's Camp in Igembe North Constituency, Meru County, also declared the Meru North region a security operation zone, similar to the North Rift where a multi-agency team is waging a war against banditry.

The move comes following a spate of attacks that has led to loss of lives the latest being the death of George Kaliunga, former Member of County Assembly of Antubetwe Kiongo Ward lost his life to armed criminals who had executed a livestock theft raid on Sunday.

"I am ordering Meru County Commissioner and his Tharaka Nithi counterpart to meet today and immediately come up with a plan to resolve border and land disputes between residents in the two counties. You must submit a comprehensive plan by tomorrow (Wednesday)," Kindiki said.

The Interior CS directed the security in Meru North and across the country to use all the skills and experience and utilize the resources at their disposal to identify criminals who are disrupting the lives of citizens.

"We must be more pre-emptive than reactive in security management," he said.

The Interior CS vowed to crash the bandits in the Meru North adding that the government will deal with them ruthlessly.

Kindiki further ordered the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to constitute a special team that will probe the killing of the former MCA.

He added that the government will ensure all those responsible for his death are brought to book.

"George Kaliunga the former MCA did not die accidentally. It clearly looks like there was a plan to eliminate him. I assure you that his killers will be apprehended and prosecuted," he said.

Reports indicate that the MCA was allegedly killed by bandits believed to be from neighboring Isiolo county as he went after his stolen livestock.

He was pronounced dead on arrival at Maua Hospital on Sunday evening after he was shot in the chest.

The former ward representative had accompanied police officers who went after his stolen livestock.

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