Zimbabwean Opposition Lawmaker Job Sikhala Convicted

Firebrand Citizens Coalition For Change (CCC) legislator Job Sikhala has been convicted in a case he is charged with disturbing police investigations into the murder of slain opposition activist Moreblessing Ali.

Sentencing is expected at 14:15hours.

The State alleged that he published a video urging mourners to avenge Ali's death during her funeral wake.

Sikhala was convicted by a Harare magistrate Marewanazvo Gofa after a full trial during which he denied the allegations.

Gofa who once labelled the CCC MP an 'unrepentant criminal' ruled that the State had managed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt.

"Evidence of record shows that action by accused caused police to take new lead of investigations leaving what they were pursuing.

"The police were satisfied Pius Jamba was a suspect but after the accused said Ali was killed by Zanu PF activists they diverted their investigations.

"The State has proved its case beyond any reasonable doubt. The accused has no defence at all and hereby found guilty and convicted of the offence."

The Zengeza MP has been in pretrial detention since his arrest in June last year.

All his efforts to secure bail flopped with the High Court and lower courts ruling that he was likely to reoffend.

Sikhala also faces a charge of inciting public violence emanating from the same video.

He is also on trial in a case he is charged with inciting public violence after allegedly calling for a nationwide anti-government protest.

The State again accuses him of publishing falsehoods after he posted on social media that a police officer had struck a baby dead with a baton stick.

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