Uganda: Minister Engola Shooting Shows Uganda is Sitting on a Time Bomb - Lukwago

Erias Lukwago, has said the murder of the State Minister for Labour, Employment and Industrial Relations Charles Okello Engola is a sign of deep-seated anger among the security forces and the public.

He said this is dangerous and could lead the country into trouble.

Lukwago, who is the Kampala Lord Mayor, made the remarks shortly after the minister was killed by his bodyguard, Private Wilson Sabiti, who had worked with the minister for a month, according to authorities.

All ministers are entitled to a driver and security guards.

Sabiti was attached to the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF).

The incident has since left many VIPs including the ministers worried and called for the psychological evaluation of their bodyguards to eliminate the risk of mental instability which could endanger the principals' lives.

It is alleged that the soldier, who had spent one month on duty as Engola's bodyguard, made a dying declaration where he claimed to have gone months without pay.

Speaking to the media about the incident, Lukwago noted that if the hidden intention of the soldier is confirmed, then it should serve as a lesson to improve on the plight of security officers.

"Taking away somebody's life but also taking away his life, that is dangerous for us, it portents dangerous times for us as a country. We are sitting on the time bomb and this is a serious message for those who are in power. This deep seated anger within the security forces cuts across. It goes even down to the common man, everybody is angry against those in power, against those who they consider to be persecuting and oppressing them," he said.

He noted that this should also be a warning to those who are seen to be living extravagant lives, adding that this is what he sees going on.

"It is anger between the have not against those who have. It is anger against those who perceive this as persecution penetrated by particular individuals. This is what I gather from the statements of the dying declaration he (the soldier) has made because he also killed himself. But those who heard what he said, the statement was about (delayed salaries)," he said.

The minister of Gender, Betty Amongi has, however, dismissed the allegations that the act of the soldier could have been triggered by mistreatment and nonpayment of salary by his principal.

"The minister had other guards, but this particular bodyguard was brought from Bombo barracks about a month ago; investigations will establish the motive behind this," Amongi said.

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