Uganda: Professor Kagambe Receives Diamond Jubilee Medal From Museveni

Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) University Secretary Assoc. Prof. Edmond Kagambe was among the Ugandans recognised with a hero's medal this year.

Kagambe was awarded the medal by President Yoweri Museveni during this year's International Labour Day Celebrations held at Namutumba District Headquarters on May 1st.

The national celebrations saw 64 Ugandans awarded with different medals by the president in recognition of their service to the country Uganda. The theme for this year's commemoration was "Promoting the positive work, culture and ethics: A prerequisite for increased investment, employment opportunities and household incomes."

Prof. Edmond Kagambe was awarded the Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition for his outstanding service in education leadership and management in the education sector and loyalty to Uganda.

After the award Prof. Edmond noted in a message to all MMU staff, "It is a great honour for me to receive this special award (Diamond Jubilee Medal). I would like to thank all of who believe in me and joined me in this unforgettable journey! I express my heartfelt delight to all that enabled me to achieve this goal. This is your achievement too. It is through you that God has awarded me. I sincerely express my heartiest thankfulness to all. It would never be possible for me without your support and help from my team."

Honourees are selected by the Presidential Awards Committee which is responsible for identifying, selecting, vetting and forwarding nominated persons to the President for conferment of the honours. The awards committee is headed by a Chancellor.

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