Zimbabwe: Gold Mafia - Angel's Call to Mnangagwa Was 'Unfortunately' Not Recorded - Al Jazeera Investigator Claims - President Said to Have Offered Zambezi Valley

Flamboyant prophet and Spirit Embassy Ministries Church founder Eubert Angel

President Emmerson Mnangagwa was called by his emissary Uebert Angel, unfortunately, the phone call was not recorded, an Al Jazeera investigative journalist has claimed.

According to the journalist who posed as Miss Sin, secretary to fake Chinese gangster Mr. Stanely in Al Jazeera's four-part Gold Mafia series, the call was made by Angel at a time she did not expect it and had no recording device on her.

According to Sin, Mnangagwa offered a part of the Zambezi River shores for development in his conversation with Angel. He even requested a one-on-one meeting with the team to finalise the deals.

She said this while dissecting the two-year investigation on Al Jazeera's podcast.

An initial meeting planned with Mnangagwa did not come to fruition after the journalists opted not to pay a US$200,000 'facilitation fee' to Angel.

"This meeting is one of those I will never forget, one of my biggest regrets happens at this meeting. Ambassador Angel takes me away from the group, one-on-one, and puts his finger to his lips to tell me to keep quiet, I did not have any recording devices on me because the other people on the team had them," said Sin.

"Sometimes we would change it up a bit, who is recording and who is not.

"Angel dials who he tells me is President Emmerson Mnangagwa, so I am seated in the booth and hearing him speak to the President.

"A lot of it is in Shona but the President is talking about how we should do more than just the casino on the Victoria Falls, he says what about the Zambezi River and talks about how we should have a one-on-one meeting with him."

Mnangagwa's wife Auxillia was recorded advising Angel to call him regards the mode of transportation for gold which was set to be smuggled out of the country.

She said he had the final say.

Angel, who according to Zanu PF strategist Acie Lumumba has been cleared of all suspicions that arose after the documentary, was the central figure who shared details and provided names and audio to the investigative team.

He has claimed, through his lawyer Lovemore Madhuku, to have been on national duty, vetting the 'possible investors' before taking them to the President.

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