Sudan: Cautious Calm in West Darfur Capital After Tribal Truce

El Geneina — A truce was signed between tribal parties in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina on Tuesday, which resulted in a cautious calm on Wednesday. The violence has left more than 200 dead, and almost no functional hospitals to attend to the wounded. Many are seeking refuge in Goz Amir camp in western Chad.

Residents of El Geneina told Radio Dabanga that the city witnessed a cautious calm on Wednesday after a truce was signed between warring tribal parties in the West Darfur capital. The agreement reportedly stipulates that roads inside and outside the city, including the road leading to Chad, be reopened, and for gatherings to be dispersed.

Speaking of the current situation on the ground, residents say that a number of shops have reopened their doors, while hospitals and vital facilities that were destroyed continue to be closed.

Health crisis

More than 200 people have died as a result of the violence in the West Darfur capital since last week, while more than 300 were wounded.

Victims were left without access to medical care, as almost all health facilities were forced to close.

Last week, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) announced they are ceasing most of their activities in West Darfur due to the targeting of medical staff and hospitals.

Fleeing to Chad

The first wave of refugees arrived at the Goz Amir camp in eastern Chad on Wednesday. The camp, 95 kilometres away from the Sudanese border, has a long history of hosting fleeing Sudanese. "Many who arrived had relatives already living in the camp, which facilitated their arrival", refugees told Radio Dabanga.

According to reports, the Chadian National Commission for the Reintegration of Refugees and Repatriated (CNAAR), along with the United Nations refugee acency (UNHCR), have directed the camp sheikhs to compile a list of families requiring assistance. The move is aimed at facilitating the provision of necessary aid in the camp.

The United Arab Emirates announced it is sending an aircraft carrying food supplies to Abéché Airport in Chad to provide urgent support for Sudanese refugees.

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