Angola Registers Improvements in the Protection of People With Disabilities

Luanda — The Secretary of State for Social Action, Lúcio Amaral, on Monday said that the Strategy for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities has achieved improvements in the field of social assistance.

The official who made this statement in Luanda when speaking at the opening ceremony of the workshop on "Strategy to protect the person with efficiency and advocacy with other sectors", pointed out gains in the areas of adapted sport, education, transport, health, physical rehabilitation, work and employment , vocational training, housing and communication accessibility.

According to Lúcio Amaral, these results demonstrate the engagement of the Government, in the process of social inclusion of people with disabilities and encourage them to continue to develop actions in a coordinated, multidisciplinary and sectoral way, which aim to guarantee the improvement of the socioeconomic conditions of people with disabilities. .

He pointed out that data from the 2014 Population Census indicate that in Angola, 2.5 percent of the population, corresponding to 656,258 people, have some type of disability and hundreds of them do not participate in the socio-economic and political life of the country, due to lack of access to the means to guarantee their access to goods and services.

In this regard, the Secretary of State for Human Rights and Citizenship, Ana Celeste Januário, said that the institution she represent will work on the principle of inclusion of participation, in the implementation of recommendations and measures, as well as reviewing the laws and strategic policies on people with disabilities.

She added that one of the biggest challenges has to do with applying the accessibility law and employability quotas.

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