Kenya: Kindiki, UK Counterpart Sign Revitalized Security Agreement

Nairobi — Kenya and the United Kingdom have agreed to enhance the UK-Kenya Security Compact to combat the emerging regional and global security threats.

The agreement was signed Wednesday during a meeting between Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki and UK Security Minister Tom Tugendhat at Harambee House, Nairobi.

Kindiki said the deal is meant to strengthen the already existing strong and cordial ties between the two allied nations.

"I am happy to confirm that we have signed a renewal of the joint security compact between the UK and Kenya," Kindiki said.

The Interior CS said the arrangement which was initiated in 2015 now has new components to help the two states fight terrorism, transnational organized crime and illicit financial flows.

The agreement was further strengthened by the signing of two subsequent Kenya-UK Security Compacts in August 2018 and January 2021 which was further enhanced through the launch of the Kenya-UK Strategic Partnership in January 2020.

"We have also looked at possibly expanding the areas of cooperation under the Compact and one of the things that is an outcome of what we have just signed off is that we have identified the need to strengthen the flow of illicit financial activities and be able to reign in on money laundering and the financing of terrorism and other illegal activities," he added.

Information sharing

Kindiki further stated that the two governments had also signed a letter of intent for cooperation in information sharing in efforts to boost maritime security.

He pointed out that going forward, teams from the two countries will be finalizing on the action plan towards the implementation of intelligence sharing on matters maritime security and learning from both countries.

Additionally, the two countries have also signed a framework for cooperation in the training of the National police Service personnel.

"We are going to develop a detailed action and activity plan to ensure that we leverage on the long experience of the UK to be able to support Kenya to enhance our policing capabilities," he said.

Kindiki stated that the government wants to accelerate the existing collaboration and tailor it to be able to respond to the evolving security challenges that Kenya is facing.

He pointed out that the President William Ruto's administrations committed to maintaining the strategic partnership with the UK for the mutual benefit of the citizens of the two countries.

Tugendhat on his part said that the agreement is about looking at the challenges facing both Kenya and UK and come up with better solutions that will benefit the citizens.

"This document we have signed today and the action plan that we are going to be finalizing in the coming fortnight is a living document. Just as our nations have evolved and changed, sadly too the threats have changed, and they will continue to change," he said

The UK Minister added that the agreement defend both the British and Kenyan people and deepen Kenya's role as regional power

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