Kenya: Daring Robbery at Nakuru Radio Station Streamed Live on Facebook

Nairobi — Armed thugs staged a daring robbery at a radio station in Nakuru on Friday night and ordered it switched off.

The robbers did not, however, realize immediately that the station was streaming live on Facebook as they ordered presenters and guests during a Mugithi night show to lie down as they ransacked them.

The robbery occurred at Mwinjoyo FM, a Christian radio station based in Nakuru where they stole mobile phones and a total of Sh35,000.

"In the unfortunate incident recorded live on camera, the thugs who were armed with a firearm and machetes were captured as they made their way into the Mwinjoyo FM recording studio, where they ordered the presenters to lie down before they ransacked their pockets for money and other valuables. "Zima hiyo kitu! Lala chini," one of them ordered as two shocked presenters a man and a woman sprung to the floor," the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said in a statement.

Police have released photos of the robbers and appealed to anyone with information leading to their arrest to volunteer.

The thugs who had their faces concealed using balaclavas interrupted the live Kigocho broadcast, that featured gospel musician Robert Kiarie.

The miscreant gang of four made away with 8 mobile phones, over Sh35,000 in cash and eight pairs of shoes.

Five cameras were also damaged by the thugs before they escaped by jumping over the establishment's perimeter, located in Nakuru's posh Milimani suburbs.

"A manhunt for the thugs has been launched and we are appealing for information from anyone who may recognize thugs dressed in black to volunteer it to us anonymously via the #FichuakwaDCI hotline 0800 722 203," the DCI said.

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