Uganda: Odonga Otto Reports Police to President Museveni Over Illegal Charcoal Dealings

Former Aruu County Member of Parliament Samuel Odonga Otto has run to President Museveni to intervene in a situation he claims is being abetted by the Uganda Police.

Otto is the current chairperson of the Ribbe Pi Paco (RPP), a group of environmentalists in Northern Uganda that is enforcing the ban on Commercial Charcoal Trade issued by the Government of Uganda on the 24th February 2023 by the Minister of State for Environment Hon. Atim Beatrice Anywar.

Otto claims that the police have joined a section of charcoal dealers who have developed a militia approach in a bid to protect their illegal trucks.

These, according to Otto use pangas, iron bars, knives and other deadly tools.

"This is going on under the watch and Syndicated protection by the Uganda Police Force," Otto said.

"We, therefore, implore all Environmental Vigilantes (RPP) to remain calm and continue to be law-abiding Ugandans. The Leadership of RPP under the Stewardship of their Principal, Hon.Dr. Odonga Otto has sought an audience with His Excellency The President of The Republic of Uganda to swiftly address this complex Emergency. RPP stands out clearly to the Respect of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda," a statement from RPP reads.

Otto was in trouble last week after he was accused of leading a mob to beat to steal money, vandalize a vehicle and severely injure three charcoal businessmen; Charles Ssemanda, Yusuf Wagwana, and Takafa Erisata in Atanga Sub-County, Pader District.

Otto denied the allegations arguing that he has been out of the Acholi Sub-region for the past two weeks.

"Let the records be straight the last two weeks and on the days of the alleged offences, I have been in Kampala. We will lawfully win the fight for our environment," he tweeted.

Otto later appeared voluntarily to the Police where he was charged with aggravated robbery and released on bond.

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