Zimbabwe: Mnangagwa Impeachment Bid - Justice Minister Warns Zanu-PF Faction Working With Opposition CCC

JUSTICE Minister and Zanu PF politburo member, Ziyambi Ziyambi, has appeared to give credence to speculation that an impeachment bid may be mounted against President Emmerson Mnangagwa after general elections due in August this year.

A disaffected faction of the ruling Zanu PF party is reportedly working on a so-called 'Bhora Musango' strategy to stop Mnangagwa from winning the presidential vote as he seeks a second five-year term in office.

Failing that, an impeachment bid may be the next resort for the rebels, working together with opposition the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa.

The faction's members reportedly routed key Mnangagwa allies in the recent Zanu PF primary elections, among them Ziyambi as well as the likes of Justice Mayor Wadyajena.

However, addressing a Zanu PF inter-district meeting at Banket Sports Club on Sunday, Ziyambi warned prospective ruling party legislators against joining any impeachment bid against Mnangagwa.

"There is no one who can remove the president without Zanu PF coughing," said Ziyambi.

"If you go to Parliament and think you will join others and try to do what they call impeachment, we will simply write a recall letter and force a by-election."

The Zanu PF rebels are said to support Vice President Constantino Chiwenga who is claimed to be seething over Mnangagwa's decision to go for a second term in office.

Mnangagwa came to power after a coup led by Chiwenga toppled long-time ruler Robert Mugabe in 2017.

According to political analyst Simukai Tinhu, Mnangagwa's bid for a second term breaches a pre-coup agreement with his deputy.

Chiwenga's allies, according to Tinhu, insist the pair reached an agreement that "the then army commander would aid Mnangagwa's rise to the presidency and, in return, Mnangagwa would step down after one term, paving the way for Chiwenga (to take over)".

Chiwenga has repeatedly dismissed reports of tension with his boss, recently telling a publication produced by the Presidential communications department that; "We were one, very solid. We are bound together ... he is part of me and I am part of him."

He added; "... there are many things that have been said. And we don't even worry about them. We laugh at them and ask ourselves, 'have you seen what some idiot put on social media today?"'

"This is what is important. We have a mission to fulfil, so let them bark and do whatever."

However, this is not the first time impeachment has been mulled against Mnangagwa.

Addressing the party ahead of the 2018 elections, Mnangagwa said he was aware of plans to possibly remove him after the vote.

"I got intelligence that some of those who have won this primary election have two minds," he said.

"They have gone to join the Zanu PF bandwagon ... to be elected with the possible view that, once in Parliament, they ... will move a motion of impeachment."

He added; "There are two things that you need to know. First, the (country's) Constitution provides the basis for impeachment and such basis must be fulfilled before impeachment proceedings begin.

"Secondly, our (Zanu PF) constitution provides an instrument to chuck out from Parliament any member whom we think is not Zanu PF anymore."

Meanwhile, anger against Mnangagwa within Zanu PF has also been stocked by allegations of rampant corruption with the recent Gold Mafia documentary series by Al Jazeera exposing his allies and family members for alleged involvement in gold smuggling and laundering of the proceeds.

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