The president general of Democratic Party (DP) Norbert Mao has expressed the need for the government to establish a national salary and remuneration commission to address civil servants concerns.
Mao, who is also the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, said the commission would help to scrutinise and address the concern of public servants by determining civil servants' pay according to what they do to address the current salary inequalities.
Mao's call came amidst a concern that was raised by a driver employed by the Judiciary, Stanley Kisambira who in audio clips was heard complaining about salary disparities in the judiciary for drivers.
He expressed his dissatisfaction with earning Shs200,000 since joining the justice system in 2008.
The judiciary acknowledged his concerns and provided clarification to shed light on the matter.
Maos's call also comes at a time when medical workers under different categories had been protesting low and delayed salaries.
Speaking to the media in Kampala, Mao wants the investigation to start with his ministry.
He noted that Uganda should adopt the award system where employers pay their staff per hour or day.
He said this this will greatly help in addressing the issues of delayed payments among others.
"I am going to do it for the ministry of Justice because that docket is under my authority. We must pay you for the real work or else we will now have private companies that contracts driver per hour," he said.
But he also warned civil servants that salary enhancements cannot solve all their personal problems.
In February this year, the Minister of Public Service, Wilson Muruli Mukasa, said the government was considering setting up a National Remuneration Review Board in the next financial year.
The proposed board will have seven members and will review the salaries of all civil servants including those in commissions.
If the government puts in place the commission, this will perhaps be a relief to a section of civil servants, who have on several occasions threatened to lay down their tools if the government doesn't enhance their salaries.
In 2005, Bufumbira County East MP, Eddie Kwizera, moved a motion in Parliament urging the government to set up a Salaries and Remunerations Board. But he withdrew the motion.
Ten years later, the government tabled amendments to the 1995 Constitution, including the establishment of a salary review board.
But Parliament rejected the proposal, saying the board would undermine the work of the Parliamentary Commission that sets salary scale for lawmakers and staff.