Africa: Joint Regional Technical Meeting On Mortality Surveillance in Africa

press release

Lusaka — Africa CDC convened public health experts from Southern and Eastern Africa regions to advocate and raise awareness on the adoption of the continental framework for strengthening mortality surveillance system. The joint regional meeting is taking place in Zambia from 15 -18 May 2023.

The meeting is a continuation of ongoing efforts, building on the Continental Framework for strengthening mortality surveillance, which was officially launched in September 2022. The continental framework aims to support countries to build routine integrated mortality surveillance systems for nationwide coverage, whilst strengthening the availability of timely and accurate data on all deaths and their causes.

The meeting was officiated by Honorable Sylvia Masebo, MP, Minister of Health of the Republic of Zambia in a speech read on her behalf by Professor, Christopher Simoonga, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health in Zambia. Honorable Sylvia Masebo, mentioned that "this gathering here today is an indication of the commitment and support of all participating member states in strengthening Africa's public health sector, in order to achieve inclusive, accessible and sustainable public health opportunities for all Africans."

During the meeting, Africa CDC will further share results emanating from the countrie's readiness assessment survey which was conducted across AU Member States. The survey mapped and identified existing capacities and gaps for implementing mortality surveillance at country level. Findings of this survey will inform discussions around the development of countrie's specific action plans.

"We have an opportunity to advance the efforts for improving access to mortality data and strengthening capacity for evidence-based public health decisions and interventions on the continent," said Dr. Lul Riek, Africa CDC Southern Africa Regional Coordinator.

The meeting was attended by representatives from 18 Africa Union member states, including participants from partner organizations including the Regional Economic Communities, World Health Organisation (WHO) Africa, Africa Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), US CDC and Imperial College of London.

This meeting is expected to conclude with a thorough orientation of member states on the Africa CDC continental framework for mortality surveillance, draft regional and country specific action plans developed as well as the establishment of the regional community of practice (COP) for mortality surveillance.


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