The new animated series, Supa Team 4, follows four teen girls living in the neo-futuristic African city of Lusaka who are recruited by a retired secret agent still committed to saving the world, even if it's on a budget.
In their journey from school girls tackling homework to undercover superheroes fending off supervillains, they're transformed from a motley crew of friends into Supa Team 4!
The captivating series was created by Zambian writer Malenga Mulendema and produced by South Africa's Triggerfish Animation Studios.
In 2015, Mulendema emerged as one of the eight winners selected from the esteemed Triggerfish Story Lab initiative, a remarkable pan-African talent search.
Netflix is set to release the first African animated series globally on 20 July 2023.
Creator: Malenga Mulendema
Executive Producers: Anthony Silverston, Mike Buckland, Tom van Waveren, Edward Galton, Amy Keating Rogers
Co-executive Producer: Malenga Mulendema
Producer: Ciara Breslin, Cake Entertainment and Triggerfish
Animation Studio: Superprod
Cast: Zowa Ngwira, Namisa Mdlalose, Kimani Arthur, Nancy Sekhokoane, Pamela Nomvete, John MacMillan