Kenya: Kisumu Polytechnic Students Riot Over School Fees Hike

Kisumu — Learning at Kisumu National Polytechnic has been paralyzed as students' riot over school fees hike.

The rowdy students have stormed out of the institution barricading roads nearby, affecting transport.

A student, who gave only one name as John, says they are against hiking of fees when the economic situation is climbing higher.

John says the administration has declined to meet them to listen to their grievances while accusing their representatives of siding with the management.

"Our principal has refused to listen to us, yet she expects us to listen to her," he said.

The students noted that a number of changes have been made in the institution without their involvement, sparking the protest.

At the dining hall, the institution, according to the students, charges have been raised, making some of them miss lunch since they can't afford it.

"There is no way comrades will pay Sh. 30 for one chapati and Sh. 15 for one cup of tea, that is impossible," said John.

The students are demanding that the institution revert to the old prices when one chapati was fetching Sh. 20 and a cup of tea Sh. 10.

However, when contacted the Principal Catherine Kalonye says the institution is being run by a Council that must ratify everything before it is passed to the students.

"The fee issue is a directive from the parent ministry again deliberated and ratified by the institution Council," she said.

Police were called in to restore order and open up roads for traffic sparking a confrontation.

They were lobbed with teargas as they threw stones at the officers.

This is the second protest by the students this week, after staging a similar one on Monday.

In February this year, the students boycotted classes to protest at the hiking of school fees after a notice was sent out.

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