Kenya: Orengo Urges Kenyatta to Stand Firm Against Alleged Govt Frustration

Siaya — Siaya governor, James Orengo has called on former president, Uhuru Kenyatta not to succumb to frustrations by the government to retire from active politics so as to get his retirement package.

Orengo said that the best retirement package that the former president can get was the goodwill and blessings from Kenyans but not conditional package from the state.

Addressing Siaya county Maendeleo ya Wanawake officials who paid him a courtesy call in his office in Siaya town, Orengo said it was improper for the Kenya kwanza government to demand that the former president gives politics a wide berth and even interfere with the running of his Jubilee party.

"We appreciate and hail Uhuru Kenyatta for standing firm with Raila Odinga" he said.

Orengo called on the Kenya Kwanza government to stop lamenting over the poor state of the economy and blaming the former president, adding that it was time the leaders told Kenyans the steps they have taken to bring down the cost of living.

The Siaya governor further told Azimio la Umoja leaders that they should not continue engaging in the bipartisan talks if the government does not show seriousness in addressing the high cost of living and opening of the IEBC servers.

"I am telling Raila Odinga that the ongoing bipartisan talks must be truthful and if they continue rocking Jubilee party, then we should stop the negotiations" said Orengo.

Orengo at the same time hailed Siaya county assembly for the bold step it took to address issues that were brought to it by his deputy, William Oduol.

Without directly mentioning the matter, Orengo said that even the ODM party leader, Raila Odinga who toured the county yesterday was happy that the assembly had proved that it had committed members who can champion the cause of the citizens.

He called for close working relationship with the county assembly if the county was to prosper.

The Maendeleo ya Wanawake team was led by Siaya county chairperson, Patricia Apoli and had representatives from all the six constituencies in Siaya. - Kna

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