Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Activist in Shock CCC Endorsement Ahead of 2023 Elections

President Emmerson Mnangagwa's legitimacy challenger and Zanu PF activist, Sybeth Musengezi has made a shock announcement rallying behind Citizens' Coalition for Change leader, Nelson Chamisa in the upcoming elections expected August.

Musengezi made headlines after approaching High Court in 2021 seeking nullification of the November 19, 2017 central committee meeting that forced the late former President Robert Mugabe to resign as Zanu-PF leader and crowning then ousted Mnangagwa as new party leader.

Posting on his Twitter handle Tuesday, the politician apologised for his earlier stance castigating the opposition and called on voters to elect Chamisa ahead of Mnangagwa.

"I've been talked into realising that by abandoning the struggle in the middle, we'll only be doing the oppressor a favour.

"Kune vandakatadzira pakutaura ndinoti sorry nemoyo wese (To those l wronged through my utterances, l apologise profusely). Let's unconditionally support Nelson Chamisa in 2023 for a change. Pasi na (down with) Mnangagwa!" said Musengezi.

I've been talked into realizing that by abandoning the struggle in the middle, we'll only be doing the oppressor a favour.

Kune vandakatadzira pakutaura ndinoti sorry nemoyo wese.

Let's unconditionally support Nelson Chamisa in 2023 for a change.

Pasi na Mnangagwa!

-- Sybeth Musengezi (@MusengeziSybeth) May 23, 2023

By time of publishing the post had generated over 40K views.

Brizb @brizb1990 commented, "Bhora mberi cde. Chamisa is not perfect, he has his own weaknesses but we all have to agree kuti @ this stage, he is the only horse we can use to remove ED."

Prosper Zuze @prosper_zuze wrote, "Lts mv on Chibaba.Thts the spirit at this moment in time. Difficult electoral time is ahead of ED this time."

Tehillah Nyathi @Chipopo78291657 responded, "Thus true bro, we need change and it can only come if we support Nelson Chamisa in numbers vote in numbers too, taneta nekuitiswa."

In retaliation to his daring challenge against Mnangagwa, Zanu PF laid charges Musengezi fraudulently acquired the ruling party's membership card.

He was on May 8 this year issued with an arrest warrant after failing to appear in court. The warrant was later cancelled after his lawyer Doug Coltart argued his client was sick and could not attend court.

He had earlier filed an application for stay of proceedings in the fraud case.

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