Maputo — Mozambique's National Road Administration (ANE) has launched a public tender for selecting a consultant to draw up the conceptual design to repair 508 kilometres of the main north-south highway (EN1).
According to Thursday's issue of the Maputo daily "Notícias', the financial agreement for the rehabilitation of this road, in the Inchope-Gorongosa, Gorongosa-Caia, Chimuara-Nicoadala and Metoro-Pemba sections, worth about 26 billion meticais (over 400 million US dollars at the current exchange rate) has already been signed.
The Mozambican government has received funding from the World Bank to support the safe roads for socioeconomic integration programme and intends to apply part of the funds to pay for consultancy services.
The consultant will conduct climate vulnerability risk assessment, as well as recommend adaptation measures to increase the resilience of roads to climate events.
The consultant will also prepare tender documentation and perform integration of environmental and social requirements in the development of conceptual designs, as well as prepare and update conceptual designs, financing model, payment modality, and the cost estimated for the work.